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Articles from 22(2)/2019





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Residual Humanities: From the Cultural Déjà Vu to Reclaimed Narrations

Doru POP


This paper proposes a new interpretative framework, the residual humanities approach, situated at the limits of rubbish theory, of “trash aesthetics” (Warner 2014), and other traditional “garbologies” (Rathje and Murphy 2001). Residual humanities is intended as a theoretica... Read More

Keywords: Appropriation, Cultural Residue, Discarded Cultural Artifacts, Recycling, Reuse, Residual Media, Old and New Narrative Forms, Recuperated Mythologies, Star Wars Trilogy, Reclaimed Storytelling

The Transmediation of Ambivalence. Violence and Music in Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange and Kubrick’s Film Adaptation



This article explores the relationship between violence and art music in Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange and Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation. Instead of focusing on differences between novel and film, the intermedial perspective of this study is on underlying similariti... Read More

Keywords: Music, Violence, A Clockwork Orange, Intermediality, Ambivalence

Her (Spike Jonze, 2013): Digital Romance and Post-cinema

Christophe GELLY


Spike Jonze’s film stages our contemporary relation to the digital through a love story between Theodore Twombly, the film’s main character, and an AI named Samantha, appearing as an operating system on a digital interface but devoid of any physical incarnation. This story explores how... Read More

Keywords: Her, Spike Jonze, Post-cinema, Digital, Intermediality, Ontology

From “Flowery Expression” to Floral Motif: Adapting Discordant Narration in Sarah Polley’s Away from Her

Daniel Aureliano NEWMAN


In her film Away from Her, Sarah Polley subtly transforms the discordant (ideologically-unreliable)
narration of its source text, Alice Munro’s “The Bear Came over the Mountain.” Given the challenges discordant narration poses for film adaptation, this essay examines how Polley r... Read More

Keywords: discordant narration, film adaptation, cinematic unreliability, feminist narratology, Alice Munro, Sarah Polley

“I tell, therefore you are”: Identity in The Handmaid’s Tale. A comparison between the novel and the series

Saartje GOBYN


This article compares the narrative representation, and more specifically the identity (de-) construction, of the main character in the novel The Handmaid’s Tale and in the first season of the eponymous series. To do so, I draw on the concepts of transmedial narratology as elaborate... Read More

Keywords: Transmedial Narratology, Remediation, Metanarrative Comments, Interior Monologue, Identity

Psycho Dressed Again. Intramedial Adaptation between Tacit Reworking and Mould



Although the term adaptation is usually applied to cases of intermediality, it can be conceptualized also in intramedial terms, that is, as an adaptation of a work inside the same medium, as is the case with the film remake. Intramedial adaptation is a continuum between two poles: the first is tha... Read More

Keywords: Intramedial Adaptation, Film Remake, Dressed to Kill (1980), Psycho (1960), Psycho (1998)

Harry Potter and the Battle of Adaptation



At the beginning of her 2007 article, “Adapting Children’s Literature”, Deborah Cartmell encouraged us to remember the complementarity and mutual admiration that should exist between cinema and literature as two narrative arts. At this time, adaptation theorists such as Brian McF... Read More

Keywords: Harry Potter, Fidelity, Children’s Literature, Transmedia Storytelling, Participation

Developing a Media Hybridization based on Interactive Narrative and Cinematic Virtual Reality

María Cecilia REYES, Giuliana DETTORI


While the media ecosystem changes in a vertiginous way, interactive narratives make their entrance in the mainstream distribution platforms and VR looks for its feature content, new media hybrids continue to emerge from the mixture of different communication forms, narratives and supports. This&nb... Read More

Keywords: Interactive Fiction, Cinematic Virtual Reality, Interactive Digital Narratives, Interactive Immersive Film

Seriality in Transmedia Storytelling: A Case Study of Halo



This article posits that the concept of seriality is central to understanding and examining how transmedia projects balance between the need for the core medium to be understandable on its own while also making sure that transmedia extensions enhance the audience’s narrative experience. Firs... Read More

Keywords: Transmedia Storytelling, Seriality, Narrative Comprehension, Video Game, Halo

Cinematic Hybridity: Graphic Design and the End Title Sequence



This article contends that graphic design principles play a key role in the creation of title sequences in films and although distinct from generic and narrative filmmaking norms, are complementary to mainstream narrative filmmaking aims. In addition, this article makes the case for a relevance-th... Read More

Keywords: Graphic design, Title sequences, Pragmatics, Implicature, Metaphor