Articles from 8(2)/2012

Introducing New and Older Versions of Apocalypse in Film, Media and Visual Arts

Andrei SIMUŢ

Avatars d’Apocalypse, du cinéma au jeu vidéo



The Revelation of St Jean, founder text of the apocalyptic imagination, belongs to the literary type. The Apocalypse, which means revelation, leans on metaphors and symbols inherited from Middle-East mytholo-gies. It provoked numerous interpretations. Nowadays, the cinema and video games seized the theme,... Read More

Keywords: mystery, revelation, eschatology, parousia, cinema, video game, kind(genre), science fction, thriller, cyberpunk, steampunk, symbol, metaphor

The Minimalist Apocalypse. A Genre Analysis of Cum mi-am petrecut sfârşitul lumii

Doru POP


This paper is discussing The Way I Spent the End of the World (Mitulescu 2006) as a case study for the idea that all mythologies of the end are based on personal eschatology. Elaborating on the concept of minimalist apocalypse, the author follows two main approaches – the narrative and the ... Read More

Keywords: Minimalist apocalypse, eschatological, “apocaholic”, transformation

Discours de théologie postmoderne dans le cinéma post-apocalyptique.Pour une contemplation de la destruction



In cinema, the post-apocalyptic landscape puts emphases on the roads, highways, streets, avenues empty as deserts. The traces of humanity are gradually erased by the return of the nature, because the inherently destructive human nature has taken on the human cultural efforts to dominate. While the secular... Read More

Keywords: post-apocalyptical film, postmodern theology, contemplation of the destruction, eschatological film

The Comet Tail: Celestial Apocalypse in Silent Cinema



The social disquiet associated with the 1910 apparition of Halley’s Comet echoed extensively in the feld of cinema. Whether in a highly dramatic or a sharply parodic approach, a variety of silent flms envisioned the aftermath of the collision of a comet with the Earth. The present paper proves the e... Read More

Keywords: silent cinema, Halley’s Comet, celestial apocalypse, Verdens Undergang

Apocalypse à l’américaine: un exceptionnalisme blessé

Jennifer BOUM MAKE


This paper is a presentation of a particularism that shows the representation of the Apocalypse as defned by the American standards. The experience of virtue is at the core of America’s national identity. And the expression of moral responsibility as well as a Manichean tradition solidify this idea. This particular brand of virtu... Read More

Keywords: apocalypse, exceptionalism, particularism, religiosity, sin, virtue

Psycho-Apocalypses, from Theory to Practice

Andrei SIMUŢ


This paper investigates the concept of psycho-apocalypse as belonging to a new type of apocalyptic imagination in flm and literature, with a vast range of examples, mostly taken from the flms of 2011, extremely signifcant both for the change in the apocalyptic genre of the last two decades and for the ret... Read More

Keywords: psycho-apocalypse, pre-apocalypticism, imminence, apocalyptic expectations, reactive depression

Desplechin, Lynch, Antonioni: l’Apocalypse réinventée au cinéma



The obvious allusions to the Book of Revelations in the contemporary cinema are less remarquable than the onirical alterations of this Book in the imagination of some great flmmakers, especially Michelangelo Antonioni (L’Eclisse, 1962), David Lynch (Lost Highway, 1995) and more rec... Read More

Keywords: Antonioni, Lynch, Desplechin, Cinema, The Beast, Myth of the One, Duality, Rivalry, Aesthetic

Ethical Catechism and “The Walking Dead”

Robert DEAN


 The setting, exploration, and adaptation of ethical scenarios are processes which lie at the heart of ethical debate. While they are used by philosophers as a means of illustrating key concepts, the conficts around which they are positioned are charged with a powerful dramatic currency that has been... Read More

Keywords: zombie, apocalypse, television, Situation Ethics, Utilitarianism, Hulme, Robinsonade

Dieu est mort: L’Apocalypse dans Le Septième Sceauet dans L’Œuf du serpent d’Ingmar Bergman



This article compares two very different flms of Ingmar Bergman in order to identify his vision of the Apocalypse. The Seventh Seal takes place in Sweden during the Middle Ages, while the setting of The Serpent’s Egg is the economic crisis of the Weimar Republic. An analysis of the... Read More

Keywords: Apocalypse, Ingmar Bergman, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, The Seventh Seal, The Serpent’s Egg, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, existential-ism, George Grosz, expressionism

Another Apocalypse to Enjoy:The Matrix through Plato’s and Descartes’ Looking Glass

Claudia HULPOI


This comparative approach is inspired by the collective volume The Matrix and Philosophy. Welcome to the Desert of the Real (2002), where elements of Buddhism, Platonism and traditional Christianism are generally identifed as the most recurrent themes of the “jazz mythology” on which ... Read More

Keywords: Matrix, Plato, Descartes, Baudrillard, simulacrum, alienation, Apocalypse

Wandering in the Apocalyptical Schlaraffenland. Symbols, Tropes and Motifs in Lars von Trier’s Melancholia

Iulia MICU


This paper focuses on the sources of Lars von Trier’s Melancholia, especially in the history of art, but also on some important mythological motifs and on the infuence of Wagner’s music in his flm. The Danish flmmaker calls for a reassessment of ancient texts and symbols in an attempt... Read More

Keywords: melancholy, memory, loss, apocalypse, depression, archive, disaster

Et le millénaire n’arrivera point ... 911 oul’espoir apocalyptique consommé par sa médiatisation



The atmosphere during the last years of 20th century was one of fin de siècle melancholy. People were longing for an apocalyptic disaster to finish with such an unbearable situation. But nothing did happen – until 911, when millenarian hope arose again. Apocalypse was from now on omnipresent ... Read More

Keywords: millennium, Apocalypse, 911, media

Signes apocalyptiques: l’infanticide magiqueet l’enfant monstrueux (litérature, peinture, cinéma)



This paper, which is part of a larger research project, proposes a comparison between different arts (literature, painting, cinema) and their representational strategies, taking as a starting point the ritual infanticide. Two main cases of infanticide are considered here. In the frst case the children are... Read More

Keywords: Apocalypse, infanticide, witchcraft, Antichrist, risk, literature, painting, cinema, Gilles de Rais

L’Apocalypse sur terre: quelques réfexionssur l’imaginaire macabre jésuite au XVIIe siècle

Alessandra MASCIA


The suffering bodies of the martyrs painted in the late 16th century in Rome, on the walls of churches and Jesuit colleges, are not only images of political propaganda, but symbolic devices for meditation. In the churches of St. Stephen in the Round and St. Thomas of Canterbury or in the novitiate of St. ... Read More

Keywords: Jesuit, Martyrdom, Imagery, Rome, Frescoes, 16th century, Meditation, Device

Capitalist Apocalypse in the Painting of John Martin and Gordon Cheung

Martin LANG


Taking as its starting point Tate Britain’s recent John Martin retrospective, entitled John Martin: Apocalypse, this paper considers the possibility that depictions of biblical apocalyptic scenes in Martin’s paintings are actually metaphors for revolution (French and American). The fr... Read More

Keywords: A pocalypse, Art, Painting, John Martin, Gordon Cheung, Capitalism

The New Identity of Image in an Informational Society



The communicational society re-shapes the world of images and, to some extent, manages to replace the real world, while the natural, real space is replaced by the one re-created by means of images in motion. The world of images has been extending so much that, in certain cases, it generates mutations in t... Read More

Keywords: image in motion, audio-visual, reality, source, representation

Tableaux apocalyptiques dans le flm d’animation contemporain. Une rencontre avec Marcell Jankovics

Daria IOAN

L’Archange Batman et les armées de l’Apocalypse (The Dark Knight Raises)


Deleuze. The Adventure of the Movement-Image

Claudiu TURCUŞ